Coastal Engineering
- Dredging and Beneficial Use
- Freshwater Diversions
- Salinity Control
- Hurricane Surge Relief Structures
- Hydraulic / Hydrologic Modeling
- Designed Over 100 Water Control Structures Throughout Southwest Louisiana
- Storm Surge Modeling and Flood Insurance Rate Map Appeals
- Coastal Structure Design
- Sedimentation Modeling and Analysis
- 2/3 -Dimensional Numeric Modeling
- Marine Design
Structural and Foundation Engineering
- Bulkhead / Waterfront Design
- Shallow and Deep Foundation Design
- Multi-Story Structural Design
- Forensic Analysis of Failed Structures
- Elevated Structures
Transportation Engineering
- Traffic Impact Analysis
- Round-About Design
- Roadway Intersection and Interchanging
- Highway Alignment and Profile Design
- Storm Water Collection and Conveyance
- Bridge Design
- Boundary Survey
- Pipeline Right-of-way Layout
- Construction / Site Layout
- CRMS Secondary Control Network for LADNR
- NGS Update of Vertical Datum
- ALTA Surveys
- Topographic / Hydrographic Surveys
- Magnetometer Surveys
- Pipeline Locating / Probing
- Elevation Certificates & No-Work Surveys
- Geo-Rectified Low Level Aerial Photography
Land Development
- Subdivision Design and Layout
- Commercial Site Development
- Industrial Site Development
- Waterfront Site Development
- Water Distribution / Fire Protection
- Sewerage Collection and Treatment
- Coastal Management and U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
- Municipal (City, Parish, etc.)
- Dept. of Health & Hospitals
- Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)